How to Find Joy in Simplicity

Joy in Simplicity

How to Find Joy in Simplicity

Imagine a world where thoughts of greed do not torment you, nor do you feel inadequate for your current level in life, and instead you find joy in simplicity. Imagine if these thoughts were actually a fun part of the journey instead of an annoying bark in your head all the time. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with wanting more. However, it is important to appreciate what you already have! Find joy in simplicity and enjoy every moment of your life instead of thinking only of your future goals. This article is going to teach you how to find joy in simplicity.

Greed VS Wanting More.

  • Greed is being obsessed with material possessions to the point that they are all you think about. Thinking that you need to have more than you already have, without it being the case. Having a selfish desire to obtain power or wealth beyond what you actually need.
  • Wanting more is not being happy with your current situation. Acknowledging that there is a need for more instead of an unhealthy obsession with it. Trying to improve your current situation.

Wanting more is okay, being consumed by greed is not as it can make it harder to find joy in simplicity.

Expect Less

Oftentimes we give ourselves promises that may or may not come true, or that will come true quite later in our lives. Examples of these promises include:

  • “I will be successful!”
  • “I will make a lot of money!”
  • “I will be much more famous!”

These thoughts are like quicksand for the present moment, people only think of these things and never find joy in simplicity. There is nothing wrong with having these goals, just do not let them be the only thing in your mind  24/7 going forward. A balanced mindset between ambition and peace in the current moment is important.

Do Not Compare to Outliers

Nowadays with social media algorithms promoting only outliers in every area of life, it can be easy to compare ourselves to them. However, comparing yourself to an outlier can make you feel very inadequate in your progress, therefore making it harder to find joy in simplicity.

Examples of comparing yourself to outliers:

  • Someone has been bodybuilding for a year and compares his progress to that of Mike ‘O’ hearn. There are more “natural factors” involved here, For example, Look at your consumption of duck eggs. The joke here is that Mike ‘O’ hearn claims to have never used steroids and instead got very muscular from eating duck eggs.
  • A man just started to learn copywriting and compares his earnings to the top 0.01% of copywriters’ earnings.
  • An average person compares his height to that of Robert Wadlow. (Robert Wadlow is 8’11)

Some things you can achieve with time, while others are predetermined and cannot be changed. Only compare yourself to your previous progress and you’ll find joy in simplicity.

Express More

Actively express gratitude for what you already have, simply express more happiness via gratitude. Being grateful is something that we all can do. To practice gratitude simply write three things you are grateful for daily. You will find joy in simplicity along with gratitude in simple things.

Require/Need Less to Find Joy in Simplicity

“The secret to happiness you see, is not found in seeking more. But in developing the capacity to enjoy less.”

– Socrates.

It’s true, one must find the capacity to enjoy simple things instead of chasing what he cannot have for now. By requiring less, your mind is not occupied with what you want all the time. This allows you to find joy in simplicity and a new sense of appreciation for every passing moment.

The more things you think you need, the less you appreciate what you already have.

Prioritize experiences over material possessions. A trip to a new country or a ticket to a concert is something that will help you find joy in simplicity and is more enjoyable rather than the limited dopamine spike of purchasing new clothes.

Reflect upon yourself and ask yourself what it is that you truly want. Oftentimes we think we want something we do not actually want.

Some examples of this are:

  • Someone may want to be famous, but they do not realize the negatives of being famous such as people bothering them.
  • Someone may want to be successful, but they do not realize the stress it can bring to them.

Analyze what it is that you think you want then analyze it to determine whether you truly want it or not considering the negatives that it comes with. More often than not, you will find joy in simplicity as simpler wishes make us happier.

Enjoy the Moment

Do not dwell in the past or visit its memories often, instead focus on today. As for the future, think of it but do not think only of what will happen in it. Learn to practice mindfulness. Meditation can help you increase the skill of living in the present moment instead of in your own thoughts. By living in the present moment you can find joy in simplicity.

Connect with other people and really listen to what they have to say. Nowadays we listen only to respond when we should be listening out of genuine care for the other person. Humans are social creatures and being social can increase joy in simplicity, anything is better with good company.

Tips on Mastering Your Thoughts to find joy in simplicity

  • Try doing something new. Usually, whenever we learn something new we are very focused on it, therefore it allows us to be more present.
  • Actively focus on one thing, as thoughts arise push them away and return to what you were thinking about, this is a form of meditation that will help you master your thoughts.
  • Change thoughts that you do not like if you have them. When negative thoughts arise, replace them with good ones. This is kind of like changing the default settings of your thinking patterns.

Make Your Routine Simpler

Start by identifying your priorities and doing the tasks in order. Simply ask yourself what the most important ones are and focus on them. You can create a schedule with a time for each activity within your daily routine to find joy in simplicity every day! Get rid of tasks that are not necessary. When doing the priority list, some tasks might be less important, so it’s wise to eliminate or reduce them from your routine. The less you have to worry about the more joy in simplicity you will find in your routine.

Joy in Simplicity Conclusion

Now that you learned how to find joy in simplicity let’s summarize the key points, shall we? It’s okay to want more, it’s not okay to be greedy. Expect less from life, however it is fine to have huge goals. Do not compare yourself to outliers in social media. Express more and actively practice gratitude. Try to need less to find joy in simplicity. Reflect upon what you actually want, as what you think you want may not truly be it. Enjoy the moment instead of dwelling in the future or past. Master your thoughts and change the default thoughts of your brain. Make your routine simpler. I hope you found something of value in this article! I wish you all the best in finding joy in simplicity.



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