How to Build Habits

An image of a weekly planner so that hey can practice what they learned in this article on how to build habits.


How to Build Habits Introduction


A habit is an act that has been done by someone so many times that it becomes automatic for them. Once something becomes a habit, it no longer requires willpower to be done. This means that habits make doing things far easier. More than half of what you do in a day is already a habit and is done automatically. Lets’s explain habits, shall we? This article will teach you what habits are, their significance, and how to build habits.


Habit Formation Cue, Craving, Response, Reward


Every habit has four stages: the cue, the craving, the response, and the reward. Whenever I was asked how to build habits, I always thought of these four stages as they are the most important to build habits.

The cue is when the brain notices an opportunity for a reward. Usually, the brain sees a pattern for a habit to form. For example, if you are planning to go to the gym before you go you pack your bag. Packing your bag in this case is your cue, the signal to your brain that it’s time to hit the gym.

The craving is when your brain has noticed the cue and craves the completion of the habit. For example, your brain can crave the feeling you get when you finished a workout so the craving pushes you to act for the reward.

The response is when you react to the craving to complete the habit and receive the reward. For example, going to the gym and working out.

The reward is the satisfaction upon completion of the habit. It is what your brain will remember to start the cycle again. A habit forms when the pattern is repeated multiple times so your brain can notice the stages and react accordingly. In this example, the reward is the satisfaction of completing a workout.


The Importance of Habits


Habits are essential for multiple reasons, some of which include Saving precious willpower for other tasks as habits require no willpower; achieving mastery over a certain skill that you decided to turn into a habit; also automation and simplicity in your routine due to the formation of a habit. Once habits have been set, the fruits of your labor will grow easier as you no longer need the effort to do what you have to. Instead, it becomes automatic and no willpower is required. Whatever you need to learn how to build habits for, I am sure you will find immense growth in it after making it a habit.


Different Types of Habits


There are goal-driven habits, identity-driven habits, and system-driven habits. This article will explain all of them and which one is the best for how to build habits efficiently.


Goal-Driven Habits:


These are habits that are done to achieve a specific goal. Goal-driven habits are great habits to develop while you’re working to accomplish something. For example, someone may develop the habit of studying an extra hour per day to help them achieve better grades on a test. Goal-driven habits fade out of one’s life as soon as the goal is achieved. This makes goal-driven habits a short or medium length habit that will eventually end.


Identity Habits:


These are habits that are identity-driven or habits that we want in our identity. Identity Habits are long term habits that you will keep with your for the rest of your life. You can utilize identity-driven habits by changing or adding a trait you want to be part of your identity. Identity Habits are habits that we develop because it’s who we are or what we want to be. This works because as long as the habit we try to form matches who we are or who we are trying to be; the habit will be there for as long as we have that identity trait. For example, if you add to your identity that you are a writer, your writing habit will not fade because writing is what writers do.


System-Driven Habits:


These are habits that focus on systems or processes that will take you to your goal instead of focusing on the goal itself. A goal-driven habit is a habit that allows you to reach a very specific end point, while a system-driven habit does not usually have a specific end point. For example, developing a writing routine is a system habit because it focuses on the process of the writing itself instead of a goal like finishing a book. Another example would be developing a great morning routine because it sets your day up to be great.


The Best Habit


The basis of these should be your identity-driven habits as they can last forever. Whereas goal-driven habits tend to end when the goal is reached. For example, change your identity to someone who wants to be healthy. That way you keep healthy habits permanently whereas if you stay on a diet until you lose X amount of weight; most likely you are going to revert to your old eating habits. Therefore I suggest identity-driven habits.


Mistakes to Avoid


A lot of people know how to build a habit, yet they make one crucial mistake. They are not consistent, therefore the habit does not form. Always keep in mind that a habit requires multiple weeks to form. It is usually agreed by psychologists that it takes 21 days to create a new habit, therefore you should be consistent until you notice the habit becoming automatic.

Another common mistake people do when trying to form a habit is changing the order in which habits are performed. For example, If you brush your teeth, play piano, and then work out, you should keep that habit in order. Maintaining the same habit order helps your brain turn it into what we call a habit routine. Also habits should be completed at the same time daily as this builds stronger habits. Don’t worry too much about consistency of time though, as this is less important than consistency over a long period of time.

Finally, another mistake people tend to make while trying to build a new habit, is that they don’t make the cue easy enough to spot. Make sure that your cue is visible when the time comes to start your habit routine.


Final Thoughts on How to Build Habits


Whether you want to learn how to build habits to practice the piano, hit the gym, or learn how to draw, Habits are essential towards your journey. Habits are important for anything you are trying to master or just get better at. I hope you found some value in this article and may you find the ideal habit routine!




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