How to Build Confidence

How to Build Confidence


How to Build Confidence


You must know your worth if you wish to do better in this world. It’s really as simple as that. Did you know that confidence can be described as just knowing your worth deep down inside. You’ll learn how to build confidence so that you can truly know your self-worth and achieve success.

“Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.”
-Michelle Obama

The sad thing is that confidence is attacked everywhere you go. People think it’s a bad thing. When someone notices that you’re confident, they will call you names such as egotistical, arrogant, or they may attack you by saying that you think you’re better than others. In reality, you’re just comfortable with yourself and you don’t need confirmation of your self-worth from other people.

Have you ever met or seen someone great in this world that has conquered and done many impressive things without a strong sense of self-worth? I haven’t. If you believe you have, you should probably re-evaluate. Someone that believes they are incapable, or someone that believes they aren’t worth something great will never be successful. Go ahead and watch the video below by Evan Carmichael then continue reading.


Why is Self-Confidence Important for Success?


First, before anything else and more important than anything else, you are worth it. You deserve to be proud of yourself. You are capable of a lot, and no matter what your circumstances are like right now, you are definitely valuable enough to think of yourself in a valuable way.

Second, if you break down who you are, there are only 2 words that can be used to describe you. Body and mind. Your mind is made up of beliefs, values, principles, experiences, memories and more. One of the things that makes up your mind if your beliefs about yourself. If you wish to do well in this world, you’re going to need to develop strong thoughts and strong beliefs. This includes developing confidence. You are not made up of the things you own, you’re only mind and body. Develop these 2 things and your life will get better.

Third, for you to even desire success, you must believe that you deserve something more. For you to ask your boss for a raise, you must believe that you are worth more than you are currently getting. Also, for you to start a business, you must believe that you have something to contribute. For you to write a book, you must believe that you have something of value to share. It goes on and on. If you want to do anything, you will need to believe you can do it.

Fourth, when the going get tough, the only thing you will have is your confidence in yourself. Nothing in life is easy. Learning a new skill is challenging, so is starting a business, asking for a raise, asking a crush on a date or anything else you will ever do. This world will crush you through difficulty if you can’t say that you love yourself. When the world beats you down, your confidence level will give you the boost to keep going and keep trying until you succeed.


“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.

―Theodore Roosevelt


Ways to build confidence


Learning how to build confidence and knowing your self worth is not a simple thing to accomplish that just happens immediately after reading an article (even if it is a great article written by me.) It takes work and commitment. Really, building self-confidence is a side effect of doing other things. Let’s look at those.


Mental Health


Take care of your mental health. It’s hard to feel like you’re worthy of anything if you’re depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, and angry at the world. Seriously, take care of your mental health.

A lot of people, especially younger folks, feel like mental health is beneath them. Or they don’t feel like they need to do anything for it because they don’t have any issues with it. This is the wrong attitude. You may not be aware of it, but everyone has things to improve on with mental health. It’s also true that it is wise to begin taking care of your mental health before you seriously need it. So developing some habits is very important even for young folks.

Here’s some suggestions for good mental health.

  • Journaling
  • Having quiet time each day
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Learning the proper mindset


Character Development


It’s hard to like who you are when you’re not a very likable person. As previously stated, we all have things that we need to work on. Character development is one of those things that we should all strive to be the best that we can be.

Here are some areas that you may want to look into developing your character.

  • Ethics and morals
  • Virtues such as patience, kindness, mercy, loyalty, and many more.
  • Emotional Control
  • Mindset


Skill Development


The two previously discussed points will help you appreciate yourself and to accept and love yourself, but they may not help you develop a sense of value in yourself. You will understand the value that you have once you are capable to providing value. You won’t be able to produce value until you learn valuable skills. Once you learn valuable skills and become good at them, then you will be able to detect an inner sense of value.

Consider a baby for a moment. They come out of the mothers womb happy and loved by the parents. The baby can move forward in life knowing that they are loved and will be happy by their parents side. At this point in time, the baby knows nothing of value – it can’t even talk. As it grows older, it develops independence from it’s parents. This brings with it, a lesser feeling of love which needs to be made up somewhere else. Most people chase intimacy to fill this lack of love, but it’s actually within yourself. As this sense of love fades, their happiness fades. As their sense of love and happiness fade, it becomes apparent to them that they lack any value to give this world.

It’s a sad story, right? How do we fix it? We start with, realizing that the sense of love we need comes from ourselves. So we need to fix our mental health and develop our character. Finally, we need to know that we can provide value to this world. That’s where skill development comes in.

You can learn many valuable skills, and you can learn them in many different places. Some people do this through years in university paying thousands of dollars. Others take different paths. It’s not for me to tell you which skills you should learn, or how to learn them. What I am saying though, is that you must develop a skill set.


Back to The Point.


If you can have good mental health, strong character, and have a valuable set of skills, you’re naturally start to feel confident. Why wouldn’t you? At this point you would be an amazing person. Self-confidence is a side effect of these three points. Do you want to know how to develop confidence? Master these three areas of your life.


“I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.”

–Louise May Alcott


How to Build Confidence Conclusion


I have given you three very important keys that explain how to build confidence. You can take this lesson, move onto the next thing in your life, and nothing will change. OR you can take these three valuable concepts and begin changing your world forever. Which will it be?

I am not going to promise you that this will be an easy thing to achieve. I am most definitely not going to tell you that it will be fast. Self-confidence takes time to develop. Mental health takes effort to maintain. Character development takes time to develop. Skills take time to develop. I do have good news for you. If you begin today, you’ll reach your goals sooner than if you wait a few more weeks, months, or years to begin. So my suggestion would be to begin working on your mental health, character development, and skill set TODAY.



9 Steps to boost Self-Confidence by


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