How to Get a Job

How to Get a Job.

How to Get a Job Introduction

We all have economical needs, whether to live, feed our family, or save for an insurance policy. Money is necessary to live; everything requires it. One of the simplest ways to make money is to get a job, but where should you look for a job? How do you get a job? What do you add to your resume? How do you prepare for an interview? This article is going to answer those questions and give you the insight you need to know about how to get a job.


Job Requirements

Applying for a job is about communicating your ability to fill the employers needs. The employer will often list requirements and preferences on the job listing telling you what kind of person is most likely to fill these needs. But the thing to remember about requirements is this: sometimes a requirement is a requirement and sometimes it is a wish list. For example, you must be licensed as a doctor to work as a doctor, but a bilingual doctor is more of a wish list item. Why is this important? Sometimes when inexperienced job searcher are looking at job listings they don’t apply for some jobs because they believe they are not good enough. Of course, you need to be reasonable, but don’t give up on jobs just out of your reach.

Also remember that it is your responsibility to communicate your value to a hiring manager or a recruiter. If you can adequately communicate value to the hiring manager or recruiter, and the value that you offer is the value that they need, you’ll stand a good chance at getting hired. There are various ways to show value to a hiring manager or recruiter. Even if you don’t have any work experience, you can still offer value.

If there is a job that you would like in the future, it is your responsibility to develop yourself into being the type of person that would have that job. If there is a job that requires an expert level knowledge in a specific skill, you should begin learning that skill now. The better you become and the more skillful you become, the more value you can offer.


Where to Look for a Job

Here are some ways you can look for a job:

  • Always have your eyes open when going for a walk, and look for posters in shops that say “Employee Needed” or “Now Hiring”.
  • Use apps such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or Job Finder to search for work.
  • Ask your friends if they know of any place that needs workers.

Ideally, the closer the workplace you found is to your home, the better as it saves valuable time and gas money. Oftentimes I have seen people work very far from home and they think it’s a 9-5 job (8 hours) however, it’s longer than that because you have to add in the time it takes to get back home. Your time is important and wasting it on a long trip to work is usually not worth it. So when looking to get a job, the distance between your home and the workplace should be a high-priority thing to look for.


Make a Great Resume to Get a Job

Although not every job requires a resume, a resume is an invaluable tool to help you communicate your value with the hiring manager or recruiter. Why not make one? After you have it, you can send it out hundreds of times and update it with very little effort. Most online job marketplaces require you to have one anyway, and most of the best and high paying jobs require one. They are definitely worth the time and effort to create. It is definitely worth the time and effort to learn how to create a great resume. If you really want to impress the company you’re applying for, include a cover letter as well!

What to add to your resume:

  • Your contact information. That includes email and phone number.
  • Your name and current address.
  • An Career Summary
  • Work and previous experience if you have any.
  • Education and what school/university you went to.
  • Skills.

Do not add anything negative about yourself, although you should not lie. Make sure that there are no mistakes in the resume. Do not add unnecessary information to your resume.


Get a Job not Only for Money But to Learn too

A lot of people get a job for financial reasons and there is nothing wrong with that. However, why not work to develop a skill as well? When choosing your job, try finding one that also helps you cultivate useful skills for your life. That way you invest time not only for gains in finance but in your skill artillery as well. This will also lead you to higher income over time as you develop your skill set.

I believe that almost all 9-5 jobs can help you cultivate useful skills. I will showcase some examples of 9-5 jobs that help with skill cultivation.

Examples of jobs that help your future:

  • Sales people learn sales, communication skills, psychology, and stress tolerance, influence, negotiation, persuasion, and more.
  • Waiters learn human relationships, multi-tasking, memory, customer service, and communication.
  • Drivers learn driving and navigation skills.

Some jobs do not teach a lot while other jobs teach a lot. I would suggest that you focus on learning the skills available in your current position. Also if you want a new job, try to find a job that can teach you valuable skills.

Some jobs do not specifically teach you many skills, but they provide you with a lot of down time that you could use to better yourself. If you have the opportunity to find a job with free time, use this free time wisely. Use it to read books, watch educational videos, and to study skills that will help you attract better jobs in the future.


Prepare for the Interview to Get a Job

The first impressions you make matter the most for getting the job, therefore coming prepared is important.

Some ways to get prepared for an interview include:

  • Reading the most common interview questions online and thinking about how to answer them.
  • Reviewing the job description, as it usually lists requirements therefore they will ask if you have these requirements.
  • Searching about the company.
  • Asking Ex-Employees about it if you know any.
  • Thinking of questions about the job beforehand.
  • Preparing what clothes to wear.

Remember that when they interview you, you also interview them. If the work circumstances do not fit what you want, search for another job. When in an interview you should also ask questions about the job if you have any.An unknown quote states: “I don’t sign contracts I haven’t read.” the same applies to jobs.


How to Get a Job Conclusion

Now that you know all about getting a job, let’s recap shall we? Getting a job is about communicating your value to a company. You can communicate your value through created an excellent resume and by presenting yourself at the interview in a professional way. You should try to develop yourself into the type of person that would get your dream job. This means building skills, building character, and getting more experience. One way you can build yourself into this type of person by getting jobs that teach you new skills.



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